Lipreading Practice

Day 2 of auditory training

31 August 2017

I awoke to a silent world and then put on my processor.  Once again the noises of the everyday life continue to astonish me.  I am fascinated by the kettle boiling and the noise of the extractor fan in the shower room.   I tried out a new floor cleaner and it was so quiet I thought it wasn't working.  I expected to hear more from it now!

My tutor arrived and after a brief chat we set to work.  First we looked at some colour words.   It was stange how difficult it was to identify them from the sounds.  Black and white sounded very similar to me.  We also used left and right.  I have often found it quite difficult when wearing my hearing aids to be sure I heard left and right corectly whilst using my SAT NAV.  After some concentrated work I got there but I'm not sure how well I will do tomorrow.

We then went on to some high frequency sounds.  I haven't heard these for over thirty years! 

The first sound was "s".  This was tricky when at the beginning of the word but a little easier when used at the end or in the middle of the word.   Some of the words were put into sentences.  I didn't do too badly. 

Next we looked at "ck" -  again it was somewhat easier at the end of the word.  Some of the sentences were mystifying but with help I got there. Again the proof will be can I recognise them again tomorrow?

I did feel that I was able to hear better when in conversation so that was a plus, although of course I was using my lipreading too!

Soon it was time to go home.   Again I was tired but I did manage to go out to deliver a letter and to watch more TV.  I felt that, particularly the men in the programme, I could hear bettter today.

Usual routine and time for bed!