Lipreading Practice

Evelyn Glennie has been profoundly deaf since the age of 12, having started to lose her hearing from the age of 8. This does not inhibit her ability to perform at an international level. She regularly plays barefoot during both live performances and studio recordings to feel the music better

Evelyn Glennie Hearing Essay - wikipedia

Information for the Hard of Hearing

This section contains information and thoughts about hearing and how we can help ourselves. We are all different, although we have hearing loss in common. Each of us must look at what helps others and see if it will be of use to us. If it is not going to be useful DON'T use it. YOU must decide what is the right approach for you but you have the opportunity to see what works for other people. If you have found something to be useful to you, please share it with others so that they have the opportunity to see if it works for them. There are many associations available for advice and resources. Some are National and some are local. Take advantage of these to answer any questions that you may have and to investigate what resources are available.