Lipreading Practice

Told my lipreading group about the MRI scan and again received tremendous support.

06 June 2017

Told my lipreading group about the MRI scan and again received tremendous support.   My friend wondered if I would like to meet with her and her language tutor so that I knew what to expect if I am able to have the implant.  We agreed to make a date.


Now have three more appointment dates!

One on Monday 12th June for a hearing test and speech assessment; one for another consultation with the consultant and one for a counselling session with a lady I knew from way back in the 1980’s when I first lost my hearing. Life is funny sometimes.   

Bad news from the insurance – they will not cover the cochlear implants.  We will appeal but must be prepared to fund it ourselves. 

Tomorrow is my speech assessment. This is crucial as a cochlear implant is only considered if it will give you better hearing than you already have!  I confess I am nervous about this. How will I do? It’s strange to be wanting my hearing test results to be bad.  Well what will be will be. I will know tomorrow, possibly.