"Although the world is full of suffering, it is full also of the overcoming of it. "
Helen Keller
For each sound there are extra words for you to practise lipreading.
You can use a mirror to practise on your own or better still practise with a friend or group of friends.
People speak differently and it’s good to practise lipreading other people so that you can recognise the sounds even if they appear slightly different on other people’s mouths.
For some sounds there are other exercises for you to do if you wish. You decide how you wish to use what is available at the moment.
The answers are included so you can check if you were right.
You can try other ways of practising lipreading.
If you are watching the news or other TV programme you could record it with subtitles. You could then either
Some people are easier to lipread than others so it’s worth watching to see who you find easy to lipread to start with. It’s best to aim for success especially when we are beginning to learn to lipread.