Again a silent world transforms into a very noisy one by putting on my processor!
Today we looked at colours and they don't sound, at the moment, as I expect them too. I cannot seem to recognise green. However persevere.
Having tried the colour words, they were put with another word e.g. red shoes. It was incrediblly difficult.
We went on to s then c and looked at s words and c words which were then put into a sentence or phrase. These were very challenging but I do think that I am making more sense of what I'm hearing.
We also looked at left/right. Often when I used the SAT NAV I had trouble with left and right. It will be intersting to see the difference.
After two hours I am absolutely shattered in spit of the fact that we have breaks and chats and a laugh.
In the afternoon my son came round and we spent two hours chatting - it was great! I havent been able to do that since he was 12 - he is in his 40's now!!
Usual routine for the evening.